BASE Mystery Reader - Videostream Reading Sessions

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Our Mystery Reader today is Miss Jennifer, BASE Luther Youth Support Specialist. Miss Jennifer has given BASE, the BASE kids and families, and our schools and community the gifts of her time and talents through planning and providing quality after school programming for kids (and always with a smile). We also appreciate her time volunteering at BASE events and commitment to our organization’s mission. Thank you Miss Jennifer for all you do for BASE and for being a BASE Mystery Reader! Click on the picture below to listen to Miss Jennifer read to you!

While we are excited for the day when we can return to face-to-face operations at our BASE sites where we will continue to invite community members to be a Mystery Reader at our sites, please consider becoming a part of our Mystery Reader videostream reading sessions.

How to become a a BASE Mystery Reader:

  1. Create a video of you (adults and children welcome) reading your favorite book (video on your phone, computer using the camera or webcam feature, or other method).

  2. Share the video with BASE Director of Operations Melissa Willkomm in one of these four ways:

    1. share the video directly through email to

    2. share the video through your Google Drive, sharing to

    3. request the BOX account Mystery Reader Videos folder from and then upload the video to the folder

    4. visit and transfer large video files for free to

  3. Your video will be shared on our BASE Facebook page, website program blog, and the BASE Kids Lab-Literacy & Reading tab.

Thank you for supporting BASE and our mission through our Mystery Reader program! YOU can help us make a difference in the lives of kids in our community. We will stay connected & stay healthy together.